Athletes from Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar showed exceptional performance as they represented Team Maharashtra in the recent National Inter School Gymnastics Competition held at Indira Gandhi Stadium in Delhi. Their outstanding efforts led to a gold medal and they eventually secured second place for the Maharashtra team.
Participation in the competition was strong, with a total of 800 athletes participating from various states across the country. Sahil Deepak Mali, from KRS Sports Academy in Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, played a pivotal role in the success, clinching first place in the men’s doubles category with Parth Ramshitwad with an impressive score of 21.68 points. In the women’s group category, Swarali Kisan Bihirkar, Pranjal Nitin Patel and Saloni Sunil Maski scored 22.75 points and secured the gold medal and first place in the individual category.
Initial tie between Maharashtra and West Bengal
The competition initially resulted in a draw between the West Bengal and Maharashtra teams, with both teams scoring 34 points. However, after careful review of the technical aspects and subsequent tie-breaking procedures, the Bengal team secured first place, leaving the Maharashtra team in second place. The host team, Delhi, finished third with 33 points.
In addition to their accolades, athletes from KRS Sports Academy recently represented India at the 13th Asian Games in Uzbekistan, clinching a bronze medal for the country. Their remarkable achievements have been made possible thanks to the guidance of international refereeing coach Professor Praveen Ravan Shinde.
The success of these athletes was met with congratulations from various officials, including Maharashtra Gymnastics Association President Sanjay Shetty, Vice President Dr Aditya Joshi, Secretary Dr Makarand Joshi and others.
Published on: Sunday, 24 December 2023 06:28 PM IST