The University of Idaho is investigating bullying allegations against volleyball coach Chris Gonzalez

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From employee reports

MOSCOW, Idaho — The University of Idaho is investigating allegations of bullying and physical abuse committed by players and university employees against volleyball coach Chris Gonzalez.

The university issued a statement Thursday, following Saturday’s Orange County Register report, which included interviews, letters, emails and other university documents about the multiple allegations.

“The University of Idaho is deeply concerned about the allegations made by some members of the women’s volleyball team against their coach, Chris Gonzalez,” the statement read. “As a result, an investigation began in November into legal issues and was expanded to include climate and cultural concerns. The start of the investigation was postponed at the request of the complainants, in order to complete the season.

An outside investigative team is conducting the investigation, in which Coach Gonzalez is fully cooperating. While they have been asked to expedite the investigation, we also do not want to compromise quality for speed.

The players alleged that Gonzalez created an environment in which he targeted specific players with almost daily bullying and even physical abuse, including overtraining, ignoring injuries, ignoring doctors’ instructions, and withholding food from the team.

University documents show that players, their parents and at least three university employees expressed concerns about Gonzalez to Idaho athletic director Terry Gawlik.

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